9 Ways to Make Your Amazon Listings Stand Out

Amazon has a vast sea of products for sale. Even within a single category, there could be hundreds or thousands of listings. For every product, there are hundreds of other sellers offering the same thing.

To stand out from the crowd, you need to optimize your Amazon listing so customers see it and will buy from you. That means paying attention to every detail of your listing and knowing how users interact with it.

The following steps will help you build a better Amazon listing that’ll make customers want to buy from your store instead of another one:

Optimize Your Title

“Pants” is not the best title. It’s too generic and tells you very little about the product. “High-waisted skinny jeans” is much more specific and can target people looking for your product.

When you optimize your title, you use only the most important keywords without stuffing it full of unnecessary words. Include only one or two relevant keywords per listing, and make sure they’re near the beginning of your title so that they’ll be easier for potential customers to find when they search on Amazon’s site.

Make Good Images

There are many different ways to do photography, but the importance of having a clean and uncluttered photo cannot be overstated. Make sure the product is well-lit and use a neutral background that doesn’t distract from your product.

You’ll also want to make sure that there is nothing else in the main images that could cause confusion for buyers looking to purchase from you. A white, black, or gray background is best for most products and offers good contrast for most images. Images are one of the best practices that can help you earn different perks on Amazon including the Amazon Buy Box.

Incorporate Attention-Grabbing Keywords

Use keywords that are relevant to your product. If you’re selling a children’s book, for example, it makes sense to include the words “children” and “book” in your title and description. This helps people find your content more easily when they are searching.

If you are promoting a kitchen utensil, it might help to describe what it does while also including the primary keywords that people use to find the product. Don’t go overboard with long-tail keywords or overly specific ones. There is a balance between being vague and being too precise.

Make the Product Description Easy to Read

Have you ever tried reading a wall of text? You’ll probably give up after a couple of sentences. Instead, use bullet points to highlight important features and to help create more space for eyes to read through.

You can write in a conversational tone, not a boring corporate one, and even sprinkle in some of those ever-important keywords.

Keep your product descriptions short and sweet, but make sure to include as much detail as needed so people understand what your product is and how it can help them.

Be sure to also include the size, color, and material of your product in the description so customers know what they’re getting before they buy it.

Take Advantage of Enhanced Brand Content

Enhanced Brand Content is a feature that allows you to include graphics and other media in your product listing. This can help differentiate your products from the competition as well as improve the user experience for shoppers.

It also allows you to incorporate those bullet points in your text, and to make more unique changes to help buyers learn more about what you’re selling.  It adds an extra element of differentiation between listings on Amazon, which can be useful when trying to stand out from similar products.

Offer Amazon Prime Shipping

Most Amazon sellers have their products shipped to an Amazon warehouse so they can take advantage of perks like Amazon Prime shipping. Amazon Prime is a subscription service that offers free 2-day shipping for customers on most items. Prime members are more likely to buy from you than non-Prime members, so offering this service can help your products stand out from the crowd.

Get Reviews

Reviews are important currency when it comes to Amazon. The higher number of good reviews you have, the more likely people will buy your product. While Amazon has cracked down on sellers getting paid reviews, there are ways to encourage your customers to share their experience with your products. The easiest thing to do is to ask for feedback.

Author: 9TP

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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