What is GB WhatsApp & What is Exciting About it?

With GB WhatsApp, you’ll have access to a messaging platform unlike any other. Say goodbye to constraints and limitations as you enter a world of invention and customization. Express your style and turn every discussion into a visual masterpiece with gorgeous themes, backgrounds, and personalized layouts. Enjoy improved privacy settings, the ability to transfer larger files, and the game-changing “Delete for Everyone” function, which puts you in control of your messages. GB WhatsApp will transform your digital conversations and provide you with unrivaled capabilities.

What is GB WhatsApp?

GB WhatsApp is a modified version of the widely used messaging program WhatsApp. Third-party developers create it, giving more functionality and customization choices than the official WhatsApp version. GB WhatsApp’s goal is to provide a better service overall by introducing new functions, enhancing existing ones, and presenting users with a wide range of options for tailoring the look and feel of their chat window. You can hide your online status, blue ticks, and typing indications and change the theme, font, and layout. Users may also transmit larger files, use complex message scheduling, and enjoy a choice of emoticons and stickers with GB WhatsApp.


  • Customization:

GB WhatsApp users can customize their messaging experience with various personalization choices. Users can customize the overall design by selecting a theme, changing fonts, and changing the fonts.

  • Privacy Enhancements:

Users have more control over their privacy with GB WhatsApp. Others cannot see their online status, blue ticks (read receipts), or typing signs.

  • Message Routeing:

This tool is handy for reminders, birthday greetings, and important notifications.

  • Increased File Sharing:

Unlike the original WhatsApp, GB WhatsApp allows users to exchange larger files such as documents, videos, and audio files. This feature removes file size constraints, making it easier to share high-quality audiovisual files.

  • “Delete for Everyone” following Sent:

GB WhatsApp allows both the sender and the recipient to erase sent messages. This function, known as “Delete for Everyone,” allows users to retract and delete a message from the conversation after it has been delivered.

  • Notifications Customised:

With GB WhatsApp, users may customize their notification settings. They may personalize notification tones, vibration patterns, and other settings for specific contacts or groups. This feature assists users in distinguishing important messages and provides a personal touch to their messaging experience.

  • Advanced Security Procedures:

To preserve user privacy, GB WhatsApp contains additional security features. To access the app, users can create a password or PIN, adding a degree of security to their talks and preventing unauthorized access.

  • Stickers and Emojis:

GB WhatsApp has many emoticons and stickers to help you improve your chats. Users can add personality and flair to their communications by selecting from many expressive graphics.

  • Having many accounts:

Users can operate several WhatsApp accounts on a single smartphone with GB WhatsApp. This functionality is especially handy for people who must keep personal and professional relationships separate or handle many phone numbers efficiently.

  • Messages Against Revocation:

GB WhatsApp allows users to view communications that the sender has deleted. Unlike the original WhatsApp, where deleted communications are completely wiped, GB WhatsApp keeps these messages, allowing users to read them long after they have been deleted.

  • Mode DND:

This function allows users to concentrate on other things without being distracted by incoming messages or notifications.

  • Reply automatically:

GB In response to incoming messages, WhatsApp has an auto-reply option that sends prepared replies. When users are busy or unable to react quickly, this can ensure that contacts receive a prompt response.

  • Increased Media Sharing Restrictions:

GB WhatsApp allows users to send larger media files than the official WhatsApp. You may send high-resolution photographs, longer films, and larger audio files without compressing them.

  • Hide your online status:

GB WhatsApp allows users to mask their online status, which allows them to peruse messages and engage with the program while seeming offline to others. This tool gives you more privacy and control over your online presence.

  • Backup and restoration:

The backup and restore feature is included in GB WhatsApp, letting users back up their chats, media, and settings and restore them when switching to a new device or reinstalling the software.

  • Anti-Ban Defence:

WhatsApp developers in GB work hard to implement anti-ban mechanisms to keep users from being banned by WhatsApp. However, it’s crucial to note that using customized versions like GB WhatsApp still involves some risk, so proceed cautiously.

How to Download GB Whatsapp ?

Here’s a step-by-step procedure:

  • Enable “Unknown Sources” by going to your device’s “Settings” and going down to the “Security” or “Privacy” section.
  • Download GBWhatsApp: Tap the Download button and save the GBWhatsApp APK file to your Android device.
  • Install GBWhatsApp: Locate the GB WhatsApp APK file on your smartphone once the download is finished.
  • Permissions: GBWhatsApp will ask for permissions during the installation process. These permissions enable the app to work properly and provide the extra features it does. Read the permissions and then press “Install” to continue.
  • Finish the installation: To launch GB WhatsApp, tap on the icon.


Q: Can I use GBWhatsApp in addition to the official WhatsApp?

A: Because they are separate applications with different package names, you can use GBWhatsApp and the official WhatsApp on the same smartphone.

Q: Can I migrate my WhatsApp conversations to GB WhatsApp?

A: When switching to GB WhatsApp, you can back up your WhatsApp chats and restore them, guaranteeing a smooth transition and preserving your conversation history.


GB WhatsApp is a modified version of the widely used messaging program WhatsApp. It has several extra features and customization choices that go beyond what the standard WhatsApp version has. While GB WhatsApp might improve your messaging experience, you must consider all elements before utilizing it.

Author: 9TP

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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