How Much Time Do You Spend Resetting Your Passwords

Although it’s not a big deal, it’s essential to know the reasons for forgetting passwords or how to track them easily. Why? Because there are simple ways of fixing these issues and saving us all time and stress.

How much time is spent on resetting passwords has been revealed in a survey by ExpressVPN, which found that an average person spends about three minutes and 46 seconds resetting the password whenever forget it.

The Reason Behind Forgetting Passwords

There are specific reasons behind forgetting passwords, and not all the reasons are in negative way:

  • When we set somewhat more difficult passwords to secure our accounts.
  • When we have to remember various different passwords on several platforms.
  • When we make so much use of biometric logins for accessing our accounts and avoid manual logins.

It is a common issue that we forget our passwords so many times. Digital platforms are so advanced now that they easily give us access to our accounts even when we forget the login credentials. But when we do so, we waste time resetting passwords which are saved and can be used for the betterment of our lives.

Which Passwords Do We Forget Most?

Suppose you need to do an online transaction; you open the banking app and see that you need to log in to your account. But you have not logged in to your account for a long time and have forgotten all the details.

The survey done by ExpressVPN is about four countries and found the same situation in every country. Furthermore, it is found that across various site sections, people forget the passwords, and some of these include:

  • Social media – 24%
  • Utility sites  and apps – 9%
  • Online shopping – 16%
  • Online gaming – 8%

The figures given are just estimated which give an idea about the areas where most people tend to forget their passwords.

Password Recovery and Damage Control

As we all know, passwords are easily forgettable, so there is the feature of security questions at the time of setting the passwords. As per the surveys, it is found that about 75% of people are confident and know the answer to those questions.

Besides, there are several other obstacles that come their way when users forget their passwords. Most of the users face the problem of their account getting locked out when they enter the incorrect password so many times.

It can be done due to various reasons, such as forced login and entering the password again and again before the waiting period gets ends.

It is then noted that about 48% of users have asked their family or friend, or customer support for getting help when they forget the password.

When they somehow managed to reset the password, about 40% of the users said that they then manually set a new password.

However, it is also noted that in some places, the users just try to make changes to their old passwords. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you should never reuse old passwords for multiple accounts.

Despite, it was found that about 12% of French, 16% of German, and about 10% of Americans have reused the password of another account at the time of resetting.

Easiest Way to Track Your Passwords

For a long time, it is always recommended to set unique and somewhat complex passwords for your accounts.

Usually, on most of the platforms, it is found that the password should contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase text along with special symbols. Hence, this kind of password is considered a complicated one.

There comes an advantage of creating a complex and unique password providing more security to your account. But here comes a demerit also, which leads to forgetting the complicated password. This leads to wasting time resetting passwords.

The easy way to track and manage your passwords is to use a password manager. The experts suggest using password managers as the most secure way of remembering your passwords. By using, you just need to remember one main password, which ultimately gives access to other passwords.

In addition, the password managers automatically fill the login fields for the sites which you usually use. This offers great convenience in that you can log in to your account quickly, just with a single tap, in case you forget your passwords. 

Where Can You Spend The Time Better?

The survey it was asked the respondents how they spend their time if saved from resetting the password. The different users said differently as per their taste:

  • About 30% of them said they spend time with friends and family
  • 16% of respondents said they would use the time for reading a book
  • 14% of them choose the time for going for a short walk
  • 12% of them spend time in some life admin
  • 8% of them said that they would try a new hobby

So it’s better not to waste time resetting passwords and instead try different mental and physical activities.

It is also found in the survey that about 32% of the respondents say resetting passwords is not a big deal and is a part of life.

While about 20% of the respondents said that they could not do anything other than reset their passwords.

Thus it would be better to use your time for the betterment of your life instead of wasting it. To save time, you can use the easy methods of managing your passwords, as told you previously. 

Final Words

As exploring through the survey, it is better to understand the value of saving time by resetting passwords. Saving the time cannot lead to too much of benefits but can give the users enough time they can spend improving their physical and mental well-being.

Also, by making use of password managers, you can quickly get access to all of your passwords by just remembering a single one. Thus this small thing can be beneficial in avoiding waste of time resetting passwords.

Author: 9TP

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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